We at Trim & Proper specialize in cedar hedge maintenance, planting, and repair.  We service hundreds of hedges a year, all with different needs, challenges, and at growth stages. Of all the hedges we service, and all the clients we consult, one question is so commonly asked; “When is the best time of year to trim a hedge?”

Traditionally in nature, cedar trees are a very resilient tree, many times in natural settings, leading the forest line, and growing in areas that many other species of tree would not survive.  In many cases, if the basic needs of sun and water are met, cedars will have the tools they need to grow and fulfill healthy green growth.

When planting in an artificial setting, cedars when planted properly can provide a great solution to protecting a property line, creating a natural solution to privacy needs.  Thick green hedges create both a visual and sound barrier when properly maintained.

Trimming is a vital component to stimulate a healthy hedge.  Trimming helps to stimulate and control the growth, size and shape of a hedge, and will avoid property encroachment and loss of yard space due to overgrowing trees.  Trimming also helps to stimulate new diverse green growth, protection from snow and ice damages, as well as ensuring a level and aesthetically pleasing natural look to your yard space.

But when is the best time of year to trim?  The short answer is, it depends on a few unique factors.  We don’t like to generalize hedge solutions, it is more about providing solutions for each hedge individually, however there are some basic rules to consider when troubleshooting your hedge maintenance needs.

What do you want to happen? Do you want your hedge to have an explosion of new green diverse growth? Do you want to maintain the shape of your hedges throughout the whole year?  This is the conversation around the cedar growth cycle.  Typically, we recommend a yearly hedge trim, however we recommend you getting your hedge trimmed at the same time of year every year to create a year long growth cycle. There is no good or bad time to trim your hedge, but the time of year can benefit and affect the attaining of your individual property goals.

Typically, the best growing months for cedars are throughout July and August.  There is lots of water in the spring from rain, and lots of sun in the summer, stimulating an explosion of new heathy diverse green growth.  In the fall months, there is less sun, and less rain, and less stimulative factors resulting in more conservative growth.  Both are still very healthy for cedar hedges, and both times of year provide a benefit to the health of cedar hedges.

When trimmed, cedars send resources and nutrients to “wounded” areas, many times healing and coming back greener than before.  This is why trimming is vital, and thus a growth cycle is created and reinforced year after year.

In summary, for these environmental factors, typically trimming in the spring months creates a more aggressive growth cycle, while trimming in the fall months, creates a more conservative growth cycle.   Both cycles are healthy and beneficial, but our goal is to identify which is best for the maturity and stage of your hedge.  Well maintained matured hedges do well in the fall growth cycle as they maintain their shape and tight look for longer throughout the year, where as unmaintained, sparse, damaged, or new hedges typically do best in the spring or summer growth cycle.

Contact us at Trim & Proper if you have inquiries, or would like us to consult you on your individual hedge maintenance needs at 613-406-3366 or info@trimandproper.ca or press the “Request a Quote” option on our website at www.trimandproper.ca